Monday, September 24, 2007


Good morning,

My Native American friend Willie Whitefeather was full of $1,000,000 verbal gems.

I am sorry that I did not carry a tape recorder with me.

He once said "Curious Bear ... (that is the name Willie gave me for I was constantly asking questions)... the Great Spirit is constantly talking to us with signs, but you white men are not listening.

He had a Native American interpretation for every sign he saw.

If a bird flew past you from left to right it was a certain message. if it flew right to left a different message. If it flew from the front into your heart and important message.

Speaking of signs and prophecies, in the sacred cave of the Native American Hopi's in 4 Corners, Arizona are several amazing signs in the for of pictographs, on the walls.

These pictographs are at least 3000 years old.

One shows, very clearly three sailing ships heading towards land. The Native Americans knew that Columbus was coming with three ships. They new is as sure as they knew that the sun would rise the next day, only they did not know when.

There was another interesting pictograph. It showed a stick figure of a beetle blowing on a flute crossing a stream.

The interpretation was ... "when the singing beetle who crosses the water dies there will be earth changes will be soon."

John Lennon!

The day after John Lennon died hundreds of Native American medicine man can out of seclusion and once again walked amongst the people getting them prepared.

Are we preparing?

The Cherokee word for hello is O-C-O.

The Native Americans had it all together before the landing of the white man.

"If one people in the tribe was starving ... it meant the whole tribe was starving. They shared their food, their wisdom and then they allowed to Pilgrims to land."

Will Rogers who was a mixed blood Cherokee Indian asked...

"Would we have allowed the Indians to land?"

One day the Cherokee Nation will return.

So many people have a drop of Cherokee blood in their veins and many of them do not know that the Cherokees are the keepers of the sacred fire.

The sacred fire was carried from Tennessee to Oklahoma on the Cherokee Trail of Tears in 1838. It's never gone out.

The Northern Europeans had it all together before the Christians came. What kind of a world would it be if we had converted them to paganism?

The Northern Europeans will return.


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